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We have put together a well-rounded list of must-read books for event professionals. Some are more text book style treasures while others speak more to success, vision and inspiration. The common denominator in this list is that all of these fabulous works remain highly relevant to the event planning world of today.
Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

First published in 1937, this remains a timeless tome on success. Hill interviewed over 500 successful people which include Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller and more. He went on to develop lessons on developing purpose, building a positive mental attitude as well as learning how to focus and handling adversity. Amazon link.
Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People (Kindle Edition) by Vanessa Van Edwards

Learn how to hack people’s behavior with this book from behavioral investigator, Vanessa Van Edwards. Edwards runs a human behavior research lab where she has discovered what drives people’s behavior. She explains body language, leadership and charisma and details how this knowledge can be applied to real life. Amazon link.
Chocolates on the Pillow Aren’t Enough: Reinventing the Customer Experience by Johnathan Tisch and Karl Weber

This book focuses on how people-to-people connections drive the customer experience. Tisch and Weber explain that it’s sincere caring that will create an unforgettable experience and that sense of caring should hold true throughout all interactions with the customer. Amazon link.
Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business by Danny Meyer

A bestselling business book this gives a behind-the-scenes look at some of New York City’s most successful restaurants. The focus is to look for excellence in your industry to make successful business decisions which is a principle that can be found in many different environments today, not just restaurants. Basically, if you are good to people, people will be good to you. Amazon link.
The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company by Joseph Michelli

From the hotel that defines customer service and superb hospitality, this book finally reveals the leadership secrets that make this one of the most luxurious hotel brands in the world. Using real-life employee experiences Michelli brings to you the unique approaches to the guest experience that has put this chain on the map. Amazon link.
The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice by Michael C. Sturman and Jack B. Corgel

Insights from Cornell University’s faculty of Hotel Administration this is a cutting-edge book for anyone looking to broaden their career in the hospitality industry. Comprehensive and compelling there is lots of practical advice on best practices and strategies that anyone in the hospitality industry can put to use. Amazon link.
Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service (Disney Institute Book, A) by The Disney Institute and Theodore Kinni

Anyone familiar with the Disney knows that the brand is all about exceeding expectations rather than simply satisfying them and they will explain their approach to customer service. If you seek information on the magic behind quality customer service, this book is for you. Amazon link.
Hospitality Law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry by Stephen C. Barth

Many agree that this should be required reading for any professional in the hospitality industry. Authored by a Hospitality Law Professor, this book provides real world examples and case studies but is written in a way that the non-lawyer can understand and enjoy. Amazon link.
For even more event planning resources including brand activation and venue advice, please contact Strategic Event Design.