Professional Event Planners

In the professional event world, event safety is a considerable concern. When booking celebrity appearances, top caterers, entertainers, valets and the million and one other things on your list, safety can easily slip to the bottom. To help you keep event safety at the top of your mind, here are a few guidelines to think about when planning and executing an amazing event.




Event safety is best addressed during the planning process. Make sure to communicate in advance with staff, volunteers, services and vendors. Speak at length with the venuestaff and make sure to identify a venue point person that can be responsible in case of emergencies. Transportation providers, security and media should all be contacted prior to the event.


Set Up


Make sure that everyone involved in planning has access to an event map and a contact person to go to with questions. Ensure that there is ample time for proper event set-up and that the appropriate tools and equipment are available. If there is a safety meeting before the event, make sure that everyone involved is aware of it and knows the time and location.


A thorough risk assessment should been conducted on-site. Identify traffic flow, trip hazards and problem areas need to be barricaded off. Make sure that all staff and volunteers should have proper attire and supplies. Check that First Aid Kits are well supplied and familiarize yourself with where the fire extinguishers are kept. A common mistake is overloaded electrical outlets so double check that all outlets are properly utilized.




Finally, it’s time for the event, so what could possibly go wrong? Probably nothing since you have already done such an excellent job leading up to this. During the event a helpful hint is to keep a stash of sign-making supplies in the event of redirecting traffic, identifying bathrooms or other situations that may arise.


Wrap Up


A timely wrap-up is very important. Meet with stakeholders a day or two after the event to discuss how the event went what worked well and what didn’t. This information is crucial to get a sense of closure on the event and to thank everyone involved for a job well done. Wrap-ups are a great way to swap valuable information that can be very helpful in planning future events.


Please keep in mind that safety is a major component of any sized event and this article should act merely as helpful information. Should you seek additional information, please contact your nearest event safety council.


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