As any successful event planner will tell you, times can get hectic. Even the simplest event can have a seasoned event planner multi-tasking like crazy which can lead to feeling frazzled and inefficient. Luckily for us, with the dawn of technology, a wonderful array of apps has developed that not only make your life easier, but more productive! Here are a few of our favorites and why we love them:
Throw away your sticky notes and say “Hello” to Trello. This organizing app can get a whole team on the same page, and fast. Arrange anything from to-do lists, group projects and long-term goals. You can add media, checklists, due dates and even attachments.
MailChimp is an email marketing tool. It’s a great productivity app to manage contacts, send emails and track results. If you have an existing email list, try sending an invitation their way or report on the success of an event. MailChimp also has a fantastic testing feature to fine tune your message.
Build apps with this app. We know that dedicated event apps are all the rage, but who has the time and resources to work with an app-developer? Enter Guidebook, the app provides upfront pricing and functionality to help you take your event to the next level while saving money, time and headaches.
Tired of all those spreadsheets and emails floating around? Check out the productivity app PlanningPod. Designed specifically for event professionals the PlanningPod system is really a dozen planning tools in one app. You can create floorplans, manage guest lists, track budgets and create templates for future use. There is also a website feature and credit card processing.
Updates, job changes, emails and phone numbers have made contact mis-management a constant in the lives of many professionals. FullContact has been developed to handle just that. It takes phone, file, google and social media contacts and syncs them in one spot. It also updates and deletes duplicates and for the very cautious, you can export to hard copy. Magic. A bonus is that you can use this with multiple Gmail accounts.
Put a scanner in your pocket. For those important documents that you have to save and share like contracts or invoices, check out JotNot. Many professionals find themselves on the go and not necessarily carting around a scanner, so take a snap shot with your mobile device and save the image as a high quality PDF, then email to anyone.
Paperless Post:
This productivity app is too pretty to leave off the list! It’s an event app that lends a sophisticated aesthetic to designing online and paper invitations. Popular for weddings and small events, you can even design the online envelope.
Many of these productivity apps offer slick “How-to” videos and free trials. Try one or two out and see if you have more fun staying organized!